exact match

英 [ɪɡˈzækt mætʃ] 美 [ɪɡˈzækt mætʃ]

网络  完全匹配; 准确匹配; 完全符合; 严格匹配; 完全吻合



  1. These trousers are not an exact match for my jacket.
  2. I'm storing the Geohash as a simple string ( unanalyzed) because I just want to do exact match on it.
  3. Thus, any Wikipedia category that has a category containing the word science or history ( it doesn't have to be an exact match) will be put into a bucket with other documents for that category.
  4. For this test case, we have an equal verification point that looks for an exact match for the response message.
  5. Spelling an umlaut as ae, oe, or ue only maps to the corresponding exact match without further expansion.
  6. It does not require an exact match and is case insensitive.
  7. If an exact match is not found during correlation, the next event with the closest timestamp to the event being correlated is selected, within acceptable range.
  8. In this case, WC_demo would take priority because it is an exact match with the host name of the HTTP request.
  9. The degree of accuracy can vary between 1 and 100, whereby 100 is an exact match.
  10. The differences are that DigestSearch does not require views to perform the search, and it always makes an exact match for a searched word.
  11. If an exact match is found, the service description is returned to the user/ user application.
  12. If there is not an exact match for the service input name in the Classic Registry, use the Name Parser component to parse the input service name and construct a list of constituent words.
  13. In Figure 9 you can see that there are only two instances of text that have an exact match of formatting characteristics in the first selection, organized under the Introduction heading
  14. If you'd prefer to be more strict, you can use the eq method in the query instead to require an exact match.
  15. If these match, but the exact match fails, a diagnostic is often reported.
  16. First determine if there is an exact match with the input service name in the registry.
  17. The phases are not an exact match because the operation stage of the service lifecycle extends somewhat beyond the RUP transition phase.
  18. As I used the full name for the portType I chose the "exact match" and "case sensitive" options.
  19. You can replace a recognition property with a regular expression or a numeric range to allow for pattern-based recognition, instead of being limited to an exact match.
  20. Require exact match between source and destination ( data type, size, precision, scale, nullability)
  21. "Exact Match" means that the URL of the page visited must exactly match what you enter for the Goal URL.
  22. The good news is this has been fixed in the free PR2 firmware update so now it will default to not dialling at all if it doesn't find an exact match.
  23. A case-sensitive search finds only text that is an exact match of uppercase and lowercase letters.
  24. However, even if the vaccine and the circulating strains are not an exact match, the vaccine may reduce the severity of the illness or may help prevent influenza-related complications.
  25. Unless it is an exact match, like one-third and33 per cent, I recommend always including the specific statistic.
  26. Case-sensitive: Capable of distinguishing between uppercase and lowercase letters. A case-sensitive search finds only text that is an exact match of uppercase and lowercase letters.
  27. An algorithm called exact match is proposed to solve the problem of copy-move attack in digital images.
  28. For the purpose of decreasing computation, the limitation for the position and gradient relationship of those feature points is appended. Furthermore, in order to get an exact match result, the correlation coefficient is improved.
  29. Based on this data and semantic caching, we discussed several situations of query processing, including the exact match query and cache, including matching, cross matching, disjoint matching.
  30. The algorithm also uses the rough match and exact match in different match stage, thus the matching speed is further improved.